
We have an in-house NIST traceable, Calibration Laboratory capable of measuring a very wide range of dose rates.

All our instruments are calibrated prior to shipment so that the calibration due date is close to one year from shipment.

For our SMART Instruments, those with UART communications, we use our RMVC Software to calibrate.

Here are some useful links to download:

  1. Calibration Templates which are imported into the RMC software to produce a list of Calibration Points specific to each instrument.
  2. Calibration Printouts which show the recommended Calibration Points and Reference Points used to prove linearity



Download the full list of Calibration Templates (*. tml) Download the full list of Calibration Templates (*. tml)
Download the full list of Calibration Printouts (*. PDF) Download the full list of Calibration Printouts (*. PDF)

*.tml files are imported into RMV to produce a calibration certificate as shown in the PDF document