Go Manager

The Go Manager software is an innovative package designed to enhance the capabilities of our PDS-GO PRD Instrument. The software is used to download radiation data, create historical reports and in the advanced mode, set the parameters of the PDS-GO.

We have updated the software to deal with Accumulated Dose (Displaying and Setting threshold)

GoManager Software Setup (version

  1. The PDS-GO utilizes a standard CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP driver from Silabs. You can find the driver on the supplied disc media or obtain this driver from http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/pages/usbtouartbridgevcpdrivers.aspx and select the “Download for Windows 7/8/8.1 (v6.7.6)” link
  2. Install the USB Driver from the link above (USB Driver Installation)
  3. Download the Setup file from here and extract the setup from the zipped file.
  4. Activate the Setup PDS GO Rotem.exe file and follow instructions
  5. The following links may also be useful to complete your installation


Framework: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851

windows installer: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=25

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